How much car insurance is enough?

  • Liability Coverage:

    BODILY INJURY. This part of your auto policy covers you for liability: when you cause injury to another person while operating your vehicle. You should have coverage that is sufficient to cover you for any potential loss. Keep in mind that if you were found at fault for an accident and you insurance coverage was not sufficient to cover a damages verdict, you could be personally liable for the amount above your insurance coverage. For instance, if you had only $15,000 in Bodily Injury coverage, and caused damages of $100,000, then your personal assets would be at risk. Continue reading

What self-driving cars could mean for traffic accidents

Imagine the distant future and you’re likely to picture flying cars, towering cities and bizarre fashion. Decades ago, you might have imagined coffee that brews itself, lights that turn off when you tell them to and cars that drive on their own – all of which exist today. In a way, we already live in a futuristic world.

It’s no doubt that many New Jersey residents might be hesitant to embrace certain technological advances. One gadget gaining attention lately is the self-driving car, which mainly relies on artificial intelligence to operate. As driving is such a dangerous activity, it comes to no surprise that the idea of robots controlling vehicles can be concerning. Continue reading

Keep kids safe this Halloween with your smartphone

Trick-or-treating is an annual highlight for most New Jersey children. This year girls dressed as Wonder Woman and boys dressed as Minecraft Creepers will run down the sidewalk, eager to fill their bags with candy. Children get excited, running into the streets in loose-fitting costumes.

Every parent feels a little hesitation allowing their children trick-or-treat on their own. Parents worry because they know that children are not the only ones out on Halloween night. Halloween parties are common among teens and adults. Streets can be dangerous, running the risk of speeding or distracted drivers. Continue reading

How do I know I can trust my landlord before signing my lease?

There are a lot of things you can do to verify whether or not the new apartment you’re looking at is right for you. You can drive around the neighborhood, compare its cost to other similar apartments and do a thorough inspection during the walkthrough. All of these details help you verify that you’re about to rent a good apartment.

But how do you know whether you’re about to be working with a good landlord? That’s a more difficult question to answer. Continue reading

Do you think you’re a good driver?

Are you a good driver? Better yet, would other motorists consider you a good driver? Multiple surveys suggest that majority of people tend to overrate their own driving skills, while other drivers have another story to tell.

A study conducted by concluded that 19% of all drivers are cut off by another motorist on a daily basis. Think about today’s morning commute. Did somebody cut you off? Did you cut somebody off? How many times did you have to hastily hit your breaks while traffic was moving? Continue reading

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